Monday 12 October 2015

over half way now!!

I can't believe I've been pregnant for 5 1/2 months!!! The first 15 weeks went by really slow...mainly because I was sick all the time and super exhausted. After all that went away I got a wave of energy and it seems like time is just flying by!

People are starting to notice that I am pregnant at uniform top is a small and the bump is pushing through now haha. Outside of work none can tell until I mention it (they probably just think I've let myself go a bit)

I am hoping to finish work at the end of the term which will make me 32 weeks pregnant. We will have to see how I go though because I have started getting hip pain and round ligament pain which makes it hard to walk sometimes...let alone run around with kids all day.

I have also been feeling some braxton hicks (contractions) this is normal through a pregnancy but feels so weird because my uterus just tightens right up and feels hard as a rock! I always feel like I need to go to the bathroom and most of the time I don' Steens just likes using my bladder as pillow I think.

So that is whats been happening with me over the last few weeks! Ive been eating very well...dont really have much sweet tooth pregnant which is not like me... Ive been drinking a lot of orange juice and salads which is a pretty good thing to crave!

So far I have put on about 4.5kgs and feeling huge...even though I know I will be getting a lot bigger in the coming weeks :X

Here are some pictures! ENJOY!

20 weeks 

20 weeks

yup..people know I'm pregnant at the beach...

 day out on the town with baby!