Thursday 12 November 2015

26 weeks down...14 to go!!!

We are on the home straight!! (this is a long post)

Baby Steens is growing growing growing! She is an active little bugger...kicking and turning and pushing around. It has actually startles me at times when Im not ready and I get a kick to my ribs or right across the front of my torso.

She is sitting very high in the uterus..I can feel her above my belly button now.

Health wise I have been feeling pretty good. I have had a few random down days...I have felt anxious on occasion and may have even shed a tear or two...its a very weird emotion for me and it always ends in confusion as I can't understand why I feel this way. Max is always great and reminding me its part of pregnancy and the hormones are on over drive. Other than my emotions, physically I have been good. Slight sciatica pain if I lay on one side for too long and some round ligament pain from the uterus growing and my hips stretching.

I see a chiro every few weeks just to help where my alignment has pushed out a bit (mainly my hips) but other than that I am keeping active at work and every now and then Ill hit the gym for some weights. I have been so exhausted after running around with kids for 5 hours a day I usually get to the gym once a week if Im lucky. I have also started doing a prenatal yoga class once a week for 6 weeks to help with stretching and just comfort as my belly grows...and its growing FAST!

From last week I have had very strong braxton hicks contractions...they are not painful but I can feel my uterus tighten right up and is very uncomfortable. This is usually brought on by jumping or moving too fast. My doctor has said to keep doing what I'm doing so I have not changed anything in my daily life. I want to go to the gym more but I can tell my body is tired and there is no need to add stress to my body. As much as I want to be a fit mamma I know my body and exercising and working on my feet all day is not ideal for me at the moment.

I have put on about 6kgs (13lbs) so far. All my rings still fit and its summer so its all maxi dresses and bikinis for me :) Im actually glad this is a summer pregnancy because I haven't had to buy any maternity clothes.

Eating has been normal...healthy balance meals. (eggs, veggies, meat, rice, pasta)
Cravings....chocolate thick shakes

So this is my life at the moment :) I am getting so excited to meet our little girl..we haven't confirmed a name yet but will definitely wait to surprise everyone when on her birthday!