Monday 1 August 2016

5 months update!

So the last update prior to the travel was 2 time flies!! This girl is weighing in at 7.3kg and has started solids. She goes to swimming once a week and loves it!  She has travelled to 3 different countries and met almost all her extended family!

swim class...what a natural

She is still waking once a night for milk but its very manageable. Here is her sleep schedule (roughly)

Food: 5pm
Bath: 6pm
Milk: 6.30-7.30
Bedtime: 7.30-8pm
Milk 10pm (sometimes if she wakes up if not we skip this one)
Milk: Between 3am-5am
Wake up: Between 7am-8am

I am still exclusively breastfeeding! I never really set a time frame to breastfeed but my body seems to be producing enough milk and I am not going back to work anytime soon so it is actually really convenient as I don't have to clean and bottles :) I only pump if aaliyah skips her 10pm feed..I wake up at 2am and pump. I have a small stock of milk the the freezer for emergencies…and by emergencies I mean if I need an extra glass of wine or margarita or night out haha which has yet to happen but I know I can now haha 

Aaliyah is starting to be very vocal..she loves to shout and gets frustrated at herself now when she cant do something…she reaches for things now (including Opie) She is exploring different textures and toys and putting everything in her mouth. She isn't teething just yet but I can see how much fun that will be…


she no longer has a flat spot on her head…mainly because she prefers to sit or stand than be on her back. She still sleeps on her back but as soon as she's up she likes to play in her jumper or exersaucer.  We have also mastered our balancing act! This girl has solid thighs and core and might start walking in a few months haha I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she walks before she crawls….

**Mommy update***

People are always very interested and concerned about how the baby is doing..and yes that makes sense and much more fun to talk about. However, as a new mom and having friends about to have babies I think its important to remember yourself because without you who will take care of this precious little human!!!

I have kept very busy with the travel and moving into a new house...Aaliyah keeps me on my toes too!
Physically I have lost a bit of weight. I think its a combination of breastfeeding and not eating enough, and also not exercising as much as I used to. My body feels soft and I don't feel very strong. I don't eat un healthy I really feel like its a quantity thing...I always try and get a good breakfast to start my day! Lunch is a toss up depending on what Aaliyah is doing...if I don't have anything prepared it makes it hard to eat lunch unless she naps. Dinner is good if Max is home and I love cooking dinner for all of us! However, if Max is on overtime and I don't have anything prepared its so hard haha. Aaliyah is very fussy in the afternoon...she knows its the end of the day and is ready for her bedtime routine. 

Exercise wise I just haven't been motivated to get in the gym...I am so consumed with Aaliyah I don't feel like training...I know it sounds bad and I never wanted to be that "mom" that just let herself go after having a kid and I still don't want to be that person...but at the moment thats just how I feel. I love watching Aaliyah grow and play and learn and admittedly put my needs on the back burner. 

What has been a great help is being part of a moms group...Most my friends don't have kids yet so don't have people to talk about baby stuff with or ask questions...being in a group of new moms, we can ask questions and kind of feed off

all her friends :)

each other...every baby is different but its nice to know you're not alone. 

Oh yeah...and having a great husband helps too...Max is at work most days but when he is home it is so good...Aaliyah loves her daddy so much and already has him wrapped around her tiny little fingers haha. I don't want to say that he "helps" because thats unfair...WE are raising our daughter together...and even though I am the one at home with her I couldn't do it alone...he works hard and misses out on stuff and I couldn't imagine it the other way around so I feel very lucky to be with her 24/7.