Saturday 26 September 2015


It was quiet amazing what an ultrasound can show nowadays...its almost too much! The plus side is the technician and doctor are able to rule out any symptoms or chances or illness or deformities very early. The downside is you see a baby still developing without the cute chunky cheeks but the skin and bones...and of course the heartbeat.

Here are some pictures and videos from our 18 week scan...

The first is a close up of the beating heart <3 it continues to show the actual blood flow through the different parts of the heart!! amazing...

This second video shows our baby girl moving around and even swallowing! The technician than changes the camera to the 3D view and it gets real! Noticing all the fingers, eyes, nose, etc...

and here is a picture of her leg...hopefully she doesn't inherit the "Sokol Feet" which are HUGE...John walks around in a size 14 and I am a women size 9...

One last picture of Baby Steens...probably won't get anymore printed images until our little girl is here in person!!! 20 weeks to go!!!

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