Tuesday 22 December 2015

only 8 weeks left!!

Wow how time has gone!!!

These past 6 weeks have truly gotten away from me...I have finished work in the gym and now I can really concentrate on preparing for the arrival of our baby :)

I have made a list of things that I want to get done before baby and just haven't been able to get to it while I was working. It felt like as soon as my shift ended it was game over. I didn't have energy to do anything on my list. But now, I am free and the list is getting done!

My baby bump is out in full force...and baby is moving all the time. When I say all the time I mean 10-15min without movement is rare. She is in a great position for birth (head down) and her long legs are kicking out my right side like thats where the exit is...I can physically see a foot or a knee every so often trying to escape out of my skin...my ribs have truly had beating but a kicking baby is a healthy baby so I try not to complain too much :)

My appetite is small as she is still sitting very high...I get full very fast and heartburn is a daily occurrence (TUMS are my best friend) I don't have any cravings...although always happy to eat dessert...but if you knew me before pregnancy this is not surprising.

All in all this 3rd trimester hasn't been too bad...just uncomfortable for the most part. Driving is my enemy as the sitting position is not favourable for the baby. I have a drs appointment tomorrow because there was some traces of protein in my urine...so hopefully all will be cleared up tomorrow (its summer now and dehydration can lead to protein in urine along with other problems) hopefully its just lack of fluids.

I will let you know how the doctors appointment goes and get back with more pictures!!!

I will finish this post with of course some baby bump pictures :)

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