Thursday 21 January 2016

Any day now!

Hey Everyone,

my last post didn't load for some reason...but after the doctors appointment all was good!

We have entered full term and the baby is welcome to join this world at anytime...hopefully not as stubborn as I was and arrive 2 weeks late :|

I have been feeling fine just a bit uncomfortable with this growing belly. It is truly amazing how my body has transformed over these 9 months...I feel comfortable in my own skin and have truly accepted the changes to my body (permanent or not) I was very anxious at the start of this pregnancy about stretch marks and weight gain and to my surprise my body might actually love me and has kept me on a very nice path. A few stretch marks have made their debut within the last 3 weeks but my weight has been good and I have only gained about 9kgs this whole pregnancy. I wasn't too focus on not gaining weight but I struggled hard with nausea and heartburn so really never had the opportunity to go crazy with my food (even if I wanted to) I think the main thing that helped me keep on track was just sticking to my daily routine pre-pregnancy. I didn't change what I ate (unless it was raw fish or something like that) I drank a lot of water (atleast 2 litres a day) and tried to stay as active as i could. I stopped going to the gym at around 25 weeks...and finished up work in the gymnastics centre at 33 weeks. I could feel my body getting tired and was having a lot of braxton hicks contractions so I knew there was no point pushing my body to exercise. I think just trusting your body is what will really make a difference in how you feel...if you need a nap take one. If you want chocolate, have some. There is no point putting your body through more stress when its already creating another life.

So now for the waiting game....

All her clothes from 0-3months have been washed...stroller is put together and bassinet is clean and ready to go! We have lots of diapers and wipes and towels and wraps...all we need now is a baby girl to use them!

Here are some belly pics for you...I will post about our AMAZING baby shower next!!!

this is a 20 week shot vs 36 week shot!

okie already loving the baby...or the warm tummy

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