Thursday 25 February 2016

She has arrived!!

What a rollercoaster of a day...

Aaliyah Rose Steens born at 11.30am via c-section.
Weight: 8.9 pounds (4.06kg)
Length: 51cm
Head circumference: 36cm

We have waited very patiently for this girl to make her debut. Ill start from our 40 week check up (aka her due date)

18th Feb: Went in to see Dr. Lewis and checked the baby position and heart rate. All was well except for the face that she was no where near my pelvis or close to being engaged. Because of her position and her size we decided to induce on the sunday (3 days past due date)

21st Feb: Max and I packed our bags and were off to the hospital!! Expecting not to leave until we had a baby...this did not happen.... My dr again checked the babies position and there was no change...he also felt around the head and was very concerned she would not fit through my pelvis.
I had a choice to make..either try and induce and see if she will make her way down..running the risk that she might get stuck or still not engaged..leading to a cesarean. OR elect to have a cesarean done the next day. I really struggled with this choice because like most women I really wanted to have a natural birth. I had put trust in my body and mind that I could go through labor and delivery and over the past few months really committed to do this. I should also mention that the reason I chose the OBGYN I did was because he was very pro natural birth and never once mentioned a cesarean throughout my pregnancy as there were no signs that I would need one. There are doctors out there that would prefer c-sections because they can be scheduled and quick but I knew that wasn't my doctor and I trusted him.

However, any birth natural or not, the outcome is the same...we want a healthy happy baby. So after lots of thinking and back and forth with Max and my midwife (who both just wanted me to make the decision for myself and not just what the doctor has suggested) I decided to skip the induction and head home for the night and return in the morning for the cesarean. I was pretty upset at first because in my mind it felt like I was taking the easy way out...and I was also sad because I didn't get to experience a natural birth. My doctor said I could still go through with the induction and see how my body went during labor..there is always a possibility to deliver vaginaly as women have been doing it for centuries...his concern was more about MY recovery afterwards...if the baby didn't drop I could be in labor for 20+ hours...if the baby got stuck she would be in distress and would have to have an emergency c-section...if she was a bit big would forceps or vacuum need to be used and possible episiotomy.. The last thing I want is to put my baby through unnecessary stress just so I could "experience" a birth.

I think the lead up to a birth is such an unknown doesnt matter what you want to do or what you think you can handle...when it comes down to it, your baby and body make all the decisions. I truly wanted to have a natural birth and feel labor and pushing a baby out of my body...however I make big babies and that path just isn't for me (and wouldn't be enjoyable for anyone if i really went through with it). I am just glad we live in a day and age where women have options for a safer and more practical birth without endangering themselves or baby.

I am very content in my decision now and wouldn't have it any other way! I have a healthy beautiful baby girl!!

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