Friday 12 February 2016

39 weeks..and counting

Final days...and this baby is beyond comfortable where she is. The days are getting very uncomfortable and hot but she will come when she's ready...

My due date is in 6 days and i don't think she will make an early appearance :( I have decided to have acupuncture to induce labor once the due date has passed. This will give a natural option for induction before I commit to any kind of medical intervention. I would really love to have a natural birth and have this baby out the good old fashion way! However, because of the size I was at birth (and the size of Max) if we wait too long have the due date there is a very good chance I will need a caesarean so hoping for the best with a natural induction.

I have attached some pictures from my maternity shoot I had done a few weeks ago. They really came out great and I enjoyed showing off the bump :)

Hopefully this is the last "pregnancy" post and we can have a "baby" post next!!

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