Monday 21 March 2016

Breastfeeding and mastitis

I wish i could say these past 4 weeks have flown by...but honestly for the first 2 weeks it felt like I was in slow motion..I was tired and my boobs were hurting...I really didnt think my nipples could recover haha (sorry if this is too much info) BUT there is light at the end of the tunnel!!! After week 2 everything started to come together. I felt happier and more confident in how i was "meant" to be feeding my baby.

I think the biggest thing for me was getting support and feedback from other mums and nurses...I felt so alone at home (being the only person that could feed Aaliyah). However, the hospital that we delivered at has such a great post partum support. We were able to attend an open house and meet other parents in the same boat as us. It was so nice to hear stories of how other people were coping and know that it wasn't just me!

After weeks of sore nipples and only being able to nurse on one side (due to really bad abrasions and bleeding) I started to feel felt like I had the flu. My body was aching and I had a fever over 38 degrees (C). I had done my research prior to breastfeeding and read about mastitis. I instantly knew I had it...i had lumps in my boobs that I couldn't massage out or pump out...and since Aaliyah wouldn't latch on the right side I just couldn't get rid of these block ducts. We ended going to an after hours GP and getting antibiotics. Within 24 hours I felt so much better! It was definitely the worst 2 days of motherhood yet!

Currently I am breastfeeding and pumping. I mainly pump because I am so nervous that I'm not emptying my boobs and could get mastitis again. Also, its good to have a bit of milk stored just in case I can't feed her and someone else can. Breastfeeding has slowly become very natural and my boobs have recovered :) I still mainly nurse only on my left side but try to get her on my right and if I'm lucky she latches...if not I just pump right after and top her off with my expressed breastmilk.

Aaliyah has been putting on weight just fine and is around the 75% for her weight. I hope to breastfeed for her first year (if she allows). I almost gave up so many times but very glad I got through the hard part and now just loving the connection we have and the faces she pulls when she is feeding :)

For anyone that is expecting to breastfeed, don't be shy to ask for help or talk about what you are going through...i really felt sad and defeated at the beginning and now its just what I do..get my boobs out and feed my child haha

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