Monday 21 March 2016

One month old!

4 weeks down people!!

our little girl is growing growing growing!!

Aaliyah is becoming very alert of her surroundings...loves following faces (especially daddy) She has grown out of most of her newborn clothes and has moved on to the next diaper size!

We have been quite lucky as little miss loves to sleep :) She wakes usually 2 times per night for a feed and is straight back to sleep after. I am sure this will all change but for now we are enjoying it haha she also likes to pee and poop mid nappy change and keeps dad on his toes! I think the record is 4 diapers within 5 minutes due to continuous pee and poop haha

She has made some friends named Abby and Harrison...and we have our first "mothers group" this week so hopefully make some more!!

We have booked our trip to America so she will be internationally known by the age of 4 months haha

Mamma update:

I am feeling way better after recovering from mastitis and recovering from the cesarean. The incision is healing nicely and I will see my doctors in 2 weeks to get the OK to start exercising again! I am back to my pre pregnancy weight but feel very "soft" haha looking forward to lift something heavier than a baby :)

Max has been so great and helping out wherever he can...he got 6 weeks off work so we have enjoyed the time together and learning how to be parents. It has also been helpful living with our parents. We started off with Jacqueline and Rod and have been at my parents house for the last 2 weeks. I haven't had to worry too much about cooking as there is always food around! It will be interesting once Max goes back to work and even more so when we finally have our own place!

We sold our villa a month before the baby was born and have been lucky enough to stay with our parents and have the extra help! We have been to a few home opens in the past week and are very hopeful to find our dream home very soon!

Ps. Aaliyah loves visitors

Aunty Kat (with no milk haha)

Uncle Steve

Big sis Opie

Aunty Jess

Aunty Sheridan

Uncle Dave

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