Wednesday 27 July 2016

USA Trip!! Travelling with a baby

What a journey! 3 days shy of Aaliyah turning 3 months old we got on a few planes and ended up in Houston Texas! 

ready for the summer weather!!!

sleeping..and still on the ground haha

Here is what our itinerary looked like: 

Houston-10 days
South Carolina-2 days
New Jersey- 3 days 
New York- 4 days
Back to Perth!

The main reason for a trip to America was for my best friends, Amanda and Ryan's wedding. I was a bridesmaid and even if I wasn't I wouldn't have missed it for the world!!! We knew it would be a crazy time with a newborn but we committed...also my grandparents and family live there so it was a great opportunity for everyone to meet Aaliyah.

So lets start with the flights...and the anxiety leading up. 

I was a bit nervous bringing such a young baby on a 27hour trip...our first flight was 9 hours followed by 11 hours. I was on pinterest like every day reading up on what other mums had done when travelling with a baby. It totally helped! I was so organised and packed everything so well.

"how many hours left on this trip!"

On the flight I had my diaper bag, carry on luggage, nursing pillow and baby wrap and Max had his own backpack. 
I organised 4 ziplock bags with 2 diapers and a change of clothes in each so when we had to do a change on the plane we only brought the ziplock bag and the wipes...the toilets are tiny so didn't want to bring the whole diaper bag in there. It worked really well and each change was very smooth since i separated everything before we got on the plane. 

"planes aren't too bad"

waiting to board!!

The one good thing about travelling with a baby is the extra leg room! We sat in the front row and had a bassinet for Aaliyah. She would sleep in the bassinet while we ate meals but mostly slept in my lap. I also brought my nursing pillow on board which was a lifesaver! She slept in my lap but my arms didnt get tired because of the pillow.

Everyone was very impressed by our "chill" baby...she didnt cry much at all on the flights over to America. She would nurse, sleep, change, play and repeat. I think because she was still so young she still wasn't interested in much....we brought a few toys and she would play with them and that was that!

I'm sure we got lucky and not all long distant travel stories with babies are like ours haha but over all we had nothing to complain about. I think being organised from the beginning made a big difference...I was prepared for any situation.

landed in houston...27 hours later!

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