Tuesday 25 August 2015

Week 14 and getting bigger...

Update with my "bump"...i feel like i was in an awkward "fat" phase for a few weeks...i wasn't really showing a bump as much as a big tummy :( but well into my 14th week and the bump is coming out! It is definitely still bigger at the end of the day then the morning but i can tell the difference now which makes me feel better.

I no longer have any morning sickness (yay) and nausea has gone down a lot. In place of those symptoms are bloating and indigestion. All in all I feel good...food is tasting good again and can finish my meals without giving it to Max (who has been eating for all of us).

Next check up is next week so will get back to you then!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Telling my mother

There are no words really....the video says it all. 

We bought her a cake to display at her end of ramadan party...the rest is history.

First Trimester DONE!

It has definitely been a long 12 weeks... we got to see the baby's heartbeat at 8 weeks, the developing foetus at 10 weeks and an alien looking baby at 12!

Starting from the first scan at 8 weeks...
This scan was amazing! We got to see a little jelly bean in my tummy with a strong heartbeat! I didn't personally cry but I can't speak for Max...(just kidding he didn't either haha)

Our next scan was with our OBGYN Dr. Lewis. We met him for the first time at 10 weeks and he gave us an ultrasound as well. Our baby was already very active at this stage with a strong heartbeat jumping around everywhere! Dr. Lewis was very happy with what he saw and so were we. Its hard to complain about all those symptoms when you can physically see what your body is capable of.

The final scan for the first trimester was our 12 week scan. This gave us some information about any health risks or issues the baby may have. I am happy to report that we got an A+ back from the doctor! Our baby has a strong heartbeat of 152 and we could see the arms, legs, spine, brain, feet all developing! The women taking the ultrasound had trouble getting a clear shot of our baby since it was jumping around so much! Not only that, it was actually hanging out upside down in my uterus...right against my stomach. This would later explain my indigestion and heartburn.

The ultrasound technician was quick to call our baby a gymnast haha (not knowing that I dedicated much of my life to that very sport) We shall see what happens once he/she is out of the womb I guess.

My symptoms at the end of week 12 had gone down a lot. I had a bit more energy and only nauseous if I was really hungry. So small meals throughout the day was key!

I have gained 2kg total for my first trimester...my dr., told me not to worry too much about my weight as I started this pregnancy quite fit and healthy. I train at the gym twice a week (if I'm not sick) and working everyday running around with my kindy gymnastics.  Prior to my pregnancy I was working through a collarbone injury and of course my very dreadful compartment syndrome. I am definitely staying active but haven't really pushed myself.

8 Weeks

Well...where do I start with my first trimester.

The next 4 weeks after we found out I was pregnant hit me hard. I was so excited to be growing a little human inside but at the same time not enjoying the process just yet. My first symptom was sensitive breast. This was crazy because Ive never been a full chested girl and was really excited to finally have boobs! (even if it came with a baby bump) The girls were definitely growing :)

The second symptom that got me was nausea...if i was hungry i was nauseas. Food was not my friend these first few weeks. Nothing tasted good and I had zero cravings. This is very weird for me because I love food and people always tell me I eat for 2 and now that I actually was I could barely stomach anything!

The third symptom was exhaustion. I was tired all the time! Growing a baby and the placenta and little yolk sac was really taking it out of me...I could barely make it to 8pm before passing out. Of course I knew it would all be worth it when our little human entered the world but for a few weeks I was not happy with how my body was reacting.

Fortunately, I didn't have any morning sickness! Woohoo (not counting the all day nausea of course)

That pretty much covers all the physical symptoms...I didn't put on any weight during these first 8 weeks which is probably due to the fact I wasn't enjoying food. I was however having moments of hormonal emotions...randomly crying (for no reason) This was weird for me since I am not a crier...I would just all of a sudden be crying and poor Max had to try and figure out why, even though I really didn't know myself!

Max has always been a very caring and thoughtful man (obviously why I married him) but he has really stepped up during my pregnancy as we are both experiencing this for the first time.

Finding out!

As most of you would know....Max and I just got married in March of this year. We always knew we wanted kids but never thought it would happen this quick!

We weren't exactly planning on getting pregnant right away but I stopped taking "the pill" after our honeymoon and would let fate decide. Turns out my body was ready and a month later I was pregnant. I had taken a pregnancy test the day my period was due and it came back negative...I figured since I wasn't on the pill it could be a bit irregular anyways. I took another pregnancy test the following week and still negative...after 3 weeks I decided to go to the doctor and she ordered me for a blood test. Apparently home pregnancy test aren't for everyone and you can still be pregnant with low hormone levels.

A week later (4 weeks late) i decided to try again with the home pregnancy test knowing that I was due for a blood test that afternoon. FINALLY! A positive read. Max had finished work late that night and probably had about 4 hours sleep before I decided to wake him up and show him...I couldn't just go to work and let him sleep haha. As tired as he was, he was up and excited with me and couldn't go back to sleep! The blood test confirmed the home test and it was settled...I was pregnant and the symptoms were not far behind.

Welcome to our baby blog!

Hello to everyone that is reading :)

I thought I would start a blog to remember my pregnancy journey. This is also a great way to let my family come along for the ride (even if they are miles and miles away).

I am currently 14 weeks along. At this point I have had a total of 3 ultrasounds. I will be going through my scans and how I have been feeling up to this point. Please feel free to comment or email any tips or ideas that you may have for me as this is my first pregnancy and could use all the advice I can get!

Hope you enjoy reading my posts and pictures and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!