Wednesday 19 August 2015

Finding out!

As most of you would know....Max and I just got married in March of this year. We always knew we wanted kids but never thought it would happen this quick!

We weren't exactly planning on getting pregnant right away but I stopped taking "the pill" after our honeymoon and would let fate decide. Turns out my body was ready and a month later I was pregnant. I had taken a pregnancy test the day my period was due and it came back negative...I figured since I wasn't on the pill it could be a bit irregular anyways. I took another pregnancy test the following week and still negative...after 3 weeks I decided to go to the doctor and she ordered me for a blood test. Apparently home pregnancy test aren't for everyone and you can still be pregnant with low hormone levels.

A week later (4 weeks late) i decided to try again with the home pregnancy test knowing that I was due for a blood test that afternoon. FINALLY! A positive read. Max had finished work late that night and probably had about 4 hours sleep before I decided to wake him up and show him...I couldn't just go to work and let him sleep haha. As tired as he was, he was up and excited with me and couldn't go back to sleep! The blood test confirmed the home test and it was settled...I was pregnant and the symptoms were not far behind.

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