Wednesday 19 August 2015

8 Weeks

Well...where do I start with my first trimester.

The next 4 weeks after we found out I was pregnant hit me hard. I was so excited to be growing a little human inside but at the same time not enjoying the process just yet. My first symptom was sensitive breast. This was crazy because Ive never been a full chested girl and was really excited to finally have boobs! (even if it came with a baby bump) The girls were definitely growing :)

The second symptom that got me was nausea...if i was hungry i was nauseas. Food was not my friend these first few weeks. Nothing tasted good and I had zero cravings. This is very weird for me because I love food and people always tell me I eat for 2 and now that I actually was I could barely stomach anything!

The third symptom was exhaustion. I was tired all the time! Growing a baby and the placenta and little yolk sac was really taking it out of me...I could barely make it to 8pm before passing out. Of course I knew it would all be worth it when our little human entered the world but for a few weeks I was not happy with how my body was reacting.

Fortunately, I didn't have any morning sickness! Woohoo (not counting the all day nausea of course)

That pretty much covers all the physical symptoms...I didn't put on any weight during these first 8 weeks which is probably due to the fact I wasn't enjoying food. I was however having moments of hormonal emotions...randomly crying (for no reason) This was weird for me since I am not a crier...I would just all of a sudden be crying and poor Max had to try and figure out why, even though I really didn't know myself!

Max has always been a very caring and thoughtful man (obviously why I married him) but he has really stepped up during my pregnancy as we are both experiencing this for the first time.

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