Wednesday 27 April 2016

2 months old!

Yay! Baby girl is 2 months old :) 

She is weighing in at 5kg and I love every single roll! Daddy is back at work and missing her dearly...When he's not home late he gives her a bath and gets tummy time in! 

Aaliyah loves water and starts her swim classes at 10 weeks! I decided to get in the bath with her and it was a huge success! I was hoping it would be because bath time is such a great opportunity for bonding that Max can have with her too. 

Breastfeeding is going so well now! I feel like a pro compared to the first month...feeling confident and have breastfed a few times in public! I'm totally behind normalising breastfeeding and yet to have any negative comments (to my face) about breastfeeding. I'm not whipping out my boob but if baby needs to eat than she eats. Not that I care what people think of me breastfeeding, but I want my baby to be comfortable while she eats...A great place to breastfeed (for me) is in the car with the air-conditioning on just before I go into the shops or somewhere...I get to listen to music and get a bit of privacy so Aaliyah doesn't get distracted. 

Our night routine is going really well and has actually turned into a routine that we can all stick to!
Feed between 5.30pm-6pm
Bath time between 6pm-7.30pm
Bed time between 7.30pm-9.30pm (depending when we have dinner...she usually sits in her bouncer just relaxing but eyes wide open!
If she isn't asleep by 9pm she gets a little feed and then usually falls straight to sleep.

She will wake up to feed once in the night..anywhere between 1am-3am and then we are up for the day between 6am-7am

I really think a routine is forming (even though she's still so young) and its great...Aaliyah knows when its time for a bath and bedtime and gets fussy and as soon as we feed and bath she calms down and gets ready for bed!

Her favourite music to sleep to is Bob Marley :) obviously my pick but I put on an hour playlist of Bob and by the time the playlist is finished Aaliyah is sleeping! Thank you reggae :) 


Aaliyah has a mild flat spot on the side of her head...i think this formed mainly because she was only feeding on one side so always laying on that spot of her head. She favours her right side so we have been working on longer tummy time and sleeping and looking to the left. Hopefully this resolves the flat spot in the next 2 months or we might have to go physio or something!

Saturday 9 April 2016

First smile!!

First puropseful smile I should say...

Aaliyah has always been very smiley but at the most random times or while passing wind haha but this week she has been focusing on faces and smiling at interactions people make with her. You can't hide from this girl and her big eyes!!

She has officially had cuddles from all her uncles and waiting for one very special cuddle from her Aunty Hannah who is living in London! She is very lucky to have 3 loving uncles...
Uncle Dann-funny, playful and very smart (where Aaliyah will go for any financial/spending advice)
Uncle Steve- Sporty (where Aaliyah will go for any sporting motivation and help), gentle and loving (willing to help with a nappy change haha)
Uncle Cameron- talented singer, dancer, actor (where Aaliyah will go for any lessons in those categories) she loves his deep deep voice and instantly feels comfortable (even if he doesn't haha)

Now to introduce her to Aunty Hannah!!! She can expect even more love!!! The perfect woman figure to look up to (other than her mother of course!) Her aunty is beyond talented in fashion and design and Aaliyah is very lucky to have such an independent strong Aunty in her life!

We have been very fortunate to have such amazing support in our family. I couldn't imagine bringing Aaliyah into a more loving and caring family. She has had the pleasure of living with BOTH set grandparents and she's only 6 weeks old! However, as much fun as it has been we are finally moving into our own home. It will be a nice change of pace being in our own home and with Dad at work! I am excited to make our new house a home and raise our baby girl and our dog there. The grandparents are not far away and the spare bedroom will definitely be used!

uncle cameron

uncle dann (and aunty jess)

uncle steve

Friday 8 April 2016

First photoshoot!

Our little girl had her first experience with a professional photographer (unlike her parents and grandparents). We took Aaliyah in at just 10 days old for her pictures...she was awake and restless for  the initial meeting but after a feed (and a poop) she was brilliant and we got some very beautiful shots.

Thanks to Chelsea from CB Photography!

Aaliyah and her fur sister Opie

I feel like I should have wrote this post ages ago as I had concerns about brining Aaliyah home to Opie. I was always worried that Opie wouldn't get along with a new baby or get jealous...however I did not expect Opie to have a change of heart towards me!

After the birth, I was in hospital for 5 days straight...Max was able to go home every day and see Opie. He brought her blankets home each time so she could get use to her scent. She seemed intrigued but calm. When we came home from hospital with Aaliyah we were sure to have a proper introduction and let Opie meet her nice and calm. However when I came in to get my cuddles from her she completely ignored me! She walked straight pass me and to my mother-in-law who had been feeding her and caring for her while I was away. 5 days!! Thats all it took for her to hate me! 
OK that's a bit of an exaggeration but I could really tell she was not happy with me for being away for so long and then coming home with a human puppy lol. 

Towards the end of my pregnancy I wasn't working so I was home with Opie all day..we did everything together...she would walk with me, nap with me, and just hang out. SO I can imagine her reaction when all of a sudden I left...and returned (unable to walk her or play with her) with a little human pretty much on my hip 24/7. So onto of having some emotions about being a new mom...I had added feelings about my first baby not loving me was not a great for 2 weeks of motherhood for me to say the least! 

Once I was able to walk around a bit more, I made sure I gave Opie as much attention as I could. She wasn't really having it though...if she was on the couch and I sat next to her, she would move! I was so sad! I wanted instant love between Opie, Aaliyah and myself. I was persistent and did most my feeds in the same room as Opie and trying to sit next to her haha. Her relationship with Aaliyah is more uninterested than anything...a newborn can do nothing for her so she doesn't really care for it. I think when Aaliyah is able to walk and give her attention than she will be more interested. Opie does give her kisses and a good sniff when she can. 

6 weeks on and its sooo much better! Opie will sit next to us and shows a little more interested in Aaliyah as she is starting to focus on objects and interact. We would never allow Opie to be in the same room as Aaliyah alone but she is very gentle with her (with reminder) and always goes in for kisses! 

Whenver Aaliyah has playtime and tummy time on her mat, I make sure Opie is close so she can watch or be a part of the activity and feel involved. 

I think Opie loves me again and as Aaliyah gets bigger I have a feeling she will show more interest (especially when Aaliyah starts eating food)

Here are some pictures of our progress :) 

first meeting

watching from a distance

tummy time tutorial 

this is how playtime is currently...just close enough :)