Saturday 9 April 2016

First smile!!

First puropseful smile I should say...

Aaliyah has always been very smiley but at the most random times or while passing wind haha but this week she has been focusing on faces and smiling at interactions people make with her. You can't hide from this girl and her big eyes!!

She has officially had cuddles from all her uncles and waiting for one very special cuddle from her Aunty Hannah who is living in London! She is very lucky to have 3 loving uncles...
Uncle Dann-funny, playful and very smart (where Aaliyah will go for any financial/spending advice)
Uncle Steve- Sporty (where Aaliyah will go for any sporting motivation and help), gentle and loving (willing to help with a nappy change haha)
Uncle Cameron- talented singer, dancer, actor (where Aaliyah will go for any lessons in those categories) she loves his deep deep voice and instantly feels comfortable (even if he doesn't haha)

Now to introduce her to Aunty Hannah!!! She can expect even more love!!! The perfect woman figure to look up to (other than her mother of course!) Her aunty is beyond talented in fashion and design and Aaliyah is very lucky to have such an independent strong Aunty in her life!

We have been very fortunate to have such amazing support in our family. I couldn't imagine bringing Aaliyah into a more loving and caring family. She has had the pleasure of living with BOTH set grandparents and she's only 6 weeks old! However, as much fun as it has been we are finally moving into our own home. It will be a nice change of pace being in our own home and with Dad at work! I am excited to make our new house a home and raise our baby girl and our dog there. The grandparents are not far away and the spare bedroom will definitely be used!

uncle cameron

uncle dann (and aunty jess)

uncle steve

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